Does terminal cancer make you tired?

"Every time I lie on the safe, all I want do is sleep"| Photo: ©theartofphoto / Adobe Stock
Does terminal cancer make you tired?
"Peering into the realm of terminal cancer, one cannot escape the haunting question: Does terminal cancer make you tired? Delving deep into this inquiry, the undeniable truth emerges – the debilitating fatigue becomes an unwelcome companion, overshadowing every aspect of life's existence."
Unveiling the hidden realities of terminal cancer
Regarding cancer doctors, I must say that the ones overseeing my treatment are truly remarkable individuals. Their expertise and compassion are unmatched, and they genuinely care about improving my well-being. However, amidst their best efforts to prepare me for the journey ahead, there are aspects they often fail to disclose—those hidden truths that encompass a significant portion of what it means to combat a potentially terminal disease. In this candid account, I will answer a vital question: Does terminal cancer make you tired? Brace yourself as we delve into the untold realities of this exhausting battle.
The overwhelming fatigue of terminal cancer
Most medications that save lives simultaneously drain the very essence of vitality from your body. Coping with the side effects of a single medication causing fatigue is arduous enough. Still, when a multitude of drugs compounds this exhaustion, it becomes utterly debilitating. Day after day, you find yourself devoid of energy, merely existing. Large chunks of time are squandered in restless slumber, depriving you of cherished moments spent with loved ones, rendering hobbies and projects nothing more than distant dreams. Sadly, this is the unfortunate reality of living with terminal cancer—an unimaginably challenging existence.
Diminished focus and concentration
Hand in hand with fatigue comes an accompanying inability to sustain focus on anything for a substantial amount of time. Gone are the days when I could effortlessly juggle multiple projects and see them through to fruition. Now, months go by, leaving writing projects languishing unfinished and aspirations shared with others or pursued alone slip beyond my grasp. Even writing, which holds a special place in my heart, has suffered as my diminished mental faculties have made it impossible to write as I once did. Regrettably, this decline in cognitive function exacerbates self-esteem issues, compounding the emotional toll of the battle.
"Amidst the relentless battle against terminal cancer, one question looms large: Does terminal cancer make you tired? The resounding truth is that this disease not only robs you of energy but also encompasses a myriad of physical and emotional challenges that extend far beyond mere exhaustion."
Vanishing stamina
Once upon a time, I possessed boundless energy—a force that allowed me to play with my band for hours, frolic with my grandsons, and effortlessly maintain a tidy home, all within the span of a single day. Alas, those days are but distant memories. Now, I count myself lucky if I can endure an hour or two of band practice. Stamina has deserted me, seemingly forever. Each day, I must choose just one endeavor, aware that it's all I can hope to accomplish.
Unforeseen medical complications
A terminal cancer condition can unravel the fabric of your health, inviting an array of unpredictable medical complications. The stress and anxiety that accompany worrying about your condition and enduring the first grueling months of treatment create a fertile ground for unforeseen issues to arise. Even if your blood pressure remains under control throughout your life, it will spike during the initial stages of treatment, sowing the seeds of problems you never fathomed encountering.
The relentlessness of aging
Terminal cancer conditions and the aging process are intertwined, with the former feeding off the latter. Never before have I experienced a dental emergency, but just this week, I found myself obtaining my first crown to remedy a cracked tooth. From deteriorating eyesight to nagging toenail issues, my aging body is gradually succumbing to the assault of a disease that the younger version of myself would have battled with ease.
Sharing the truth
My intention in sharing these raw experiences is not to complain. However, publishing these thoughts provides me with a therapeutic release. My purpose is to enlighten others. Terminal cancer can strike anyone, and most individuals do not succumb immediately. Doctors are bound by restrictions preventing them from discussing the potential financial hardships accompanying illness or speculating about other unforeseen complications.
Furthermore, only after being diagnosed with a terminal condition do you realize the irksome reality of having to attend a minimum of two doctor's appointments per month (often even more) for the remainder of your life.
Preparation and vigilance
Let this serve as a wake-up call. Suppose you are confronted with any form of terminal cancer or disease. In that case, it is crucial to inform your primary doctor immediately and initiate a comprehensive monitoring plan. An oncologist may oversee your cancer treatment, but it is vital to acknowledge that other aspects of your well-being are also affected. Brace yourself for establishing personal connections with nurses and receptionists across various medical disciplines, as life with terminal cancer necessitates unforeseen changes—changes you could never have anticipated nor desired.
In conclusion, the question lingers: Does terminal cancer make you tired? The answer is a resounding yes. However, the scope of exhaustion extends far beyond mere fatigue, encompassing many physical, mental, and emotional challenges. By unveiling these hidden truths, I hope to empower and prepare individuals for the battles that lie ahead, shedding light on the unspoken realities of terminal illnesses that many are unprepared to face.
Does terminal cancer make you tired? was originally published by URevolution in 2018. It was updated and republished on 22 June 2023.