Author Profile

Carrie-Ann Lightley

Carrie-Ann Lightley

Carrie-Ann Lightley is one of the UK’s leading accessible travel bloggers, a freelance travel writer, and she also works in marketing for national disability organisation AccessAble.

Through her blog - Carrie-Ann Lightley - she aims to encourage and inspire others to travel to, explore and discover new places.

Carrie-Ann’s blog has become a firm favorite with her followers and led her to write for the Guardian, the Sun, HuffPost, and TripAdvisor, as well as many other websites, magazines, and industry publications.

In 2019, Carrie-Ann was named as one of the top 100 most influential disabled people in the UK, on the Shaw Trust #DisabilityPowerList100.

Follow Carrie-Ann on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and subscribe to her blog for updates.
