Republish Us

Credit: ©Kateryna Kovarzh / Adobe Stock
URevolution encourages other sites and publications to republish our articles as long as they follow our cross-posting policy, which is:
You only republish articles that have a Creative Commons license at the bottom of the article. Unless otherwise stated, URevolution articles are published under the Attribution-NonCommercial-NonDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license.
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You don’t edit our articles, except to reflect relative changes in time, location, and editorial style. If you do wish to make material edits, you will need to run them by us before publication. You must retain all original hyperlinks in the articles.
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Please note that some articles published on URevolution are not originals. Some of these can be republished under their original Creative Commons license. If they do not have a Creative Commons license, you will need permission from the original publisher or author to cross-post it.
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Corinne 😊🙏🏾