Author Profile

Tien Tran
Tien Tran is a 34-year-old documentary photographer. A former lawyer, he only began photography recently. He has been fully involved since 2016, starting to collaborate with the french national newspapers while pursuing his personal projects.
Son of Vietnamese war refugees, his work questions the relationship between the loneliness of people and their territory, whether they are attached to it in spite of themselves (Memories of Combrailles, PO Box 200: Mailuu-Suu) or forced to leave it (Bedouins, Zaatari). Through his photographic practice express his relationship to the world and his own search for a territorial attachment.
In 2017, he joined Studio Hans Lucas.
When he is not photographing, Tien look after the collective Index he has created with six other photographers, waits for the season eight of Game Of Thrones and learns Russian.